Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Well our most expensive livestock yet arrived today! Two pure, Fair-breed Suffolk wethers (a little less manly boy lambs) came today at the cost of $200/head! The boys will be training and raising the lambs to go to the County Fair in August through 4-H. The kids are looking for sponsors for these guys until they can save up enough to buy them so anyone interested can send me a check and you can receive a picture of your name painted on the side of a lamb and weekly updates by the kids on their growth and development. What a deal! (Who knew marketing was such a big part of homeschooling?)
One wether is all black named Guppy and the other dirty white with black nose and legs named T-bo. They were really on edge today because of all the change. MR. B (who does not associate with the animals if at all possible) had to literally pick one up and carry it across the field back to the pen. I don't see how catching a pig could be any harder-man those things are fast! There sure is a difference when they are born around kids and people to when they aren't. These will take a while to break in.

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