Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Why the chicken shouldn't cross the road...

Well the kids did the math to find that killing and eating our chickens would greatly effect the breakfast menu. Also the hens we have are already named and raised from chicks - so killing them will be a little psychologically rough on the kids. Therefore we decided to double our flock with meat chickens.
We went to a CSA farm an hour south to pick them up and it was so fun. We could have stayed and played there all day. There were brand-new puppies, U-pick veggies, and at least 40 chickens! It was like releasing the hounds when I told the kids to go catch 10 chickens. These chickens all look exactly alike and are called the 'chickens that shall not be named' or fatties. We put the chicks in boxes and came home. Well the box on top must have got too hot being closest to the window so when we arrived back home one chicken was dead and the other wasn't moving but her eyes were still open. Well I'm not sure if it was my frugality of not wanting to waste $25 or if it was my practicality and logic of ,'we got them for food anyway' or responsibility for the life of God's creatures, but either way we cooked them for dinner. (We kept the family/biblical tradition of if you kill it, you're expected to eat it.)

 After 3 quick YouTube videos and some help from my parents and nephew arriving for dinner, we harvested and safely ate our first farm chickens! I must admit I had to pinch myself a few times to come to grips with the fact that I was really doing this. It still seems a little surreal, and yet I have my list of things to have ready for next time: flame torch, more rubber gloves, sharper knives, and a chicken anat/phys book. Please feel free to learn from my mistakes.

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